Thursday, February 9, 2012

Rotten Apples?

After reading this article, I feel horrified by the way Apple supposedly treats its workers. I can't imagine having to stand for hours, work six days a week, or live in cramped, unsatisfactory living conditions. When I was reading the article, my consciousness was definitely raised about the hardships these people must endure. However, this story quickly left my mind when I went to the gym and mindlessly turned on my Ipod. I truly care about the health and safety of the Apple workers, but using their products is such a common part of my daily life that I don't think I could stop. The conditions don't seem real until I read about them, and the only way I might give up using these products was if I witnessed, and continued to witness, the maltreatment of these workers. I don't mean to sound selfish or uncaring, but eliminating my use of Apple products doesn't seem like a realistic goal for me right now (especially since we use Apple computers in school).

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